The Binti Team
Licensing Platform

Time to Approval Report updates + more!

AUTHOR: The Binti Team

We have released exciting updates to the Time to Approval report and the applicant sign-up process. We have also added the ability to change approval dates. You can see all of these changes live in the product. As always, if you have any questions about these updates, reach out to your Customer Success Manager or our friendly support team!

Time to Approval Report

We have made enhancements to the Time to Approval Report, making it easier to understand and more informative. There are now two graphs: a line graph and scatter graph. This makes visualizing your data easier. You can also download a CSV of your data which contains details of the time to approval by application ID.

Learn more in our Help Center

Collect Address During Sign-Up

During the self sign-up process, we now ask applicants to provide an address of residence. This is particularly helpful for agencies that assign families based on location. It also saves time by auto-filling the address field in all applicant documents.

Change Application Status Date

Sometimes an incorrect approval date is entered on an application. Previously, our Customer Support team needed to assist with fixing the date. Now, you can change the date easily from the Change Application Status page by clicking 'Update status date'.

Learn more in our Help Center

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